- More than half of modern culture depend on what one shall not read. 现代文化的一半以上,有赖于不应读的东西。
- I depend on what you mean by seriously. 这得看这所说的当其作何解释了。
- In fact this is depend on what he will say. 这实际上取决于他将怎么说。
- It would depend on what is on the list. 这要看列表内容。
- It all depends on what you'd like to have. 那要看你喜欢吃什么了。
- Well ,it all depends on what parts of the city. 噢,那完全是看在城市的哪个地区。
- Depend on what morals, the entire black in the end. 什么世道,从上到下黑到底了。
- So it depends on what you focus on? 也就是看你专注于那个方面了?
- This depends on what airport you fly into. 这视你抵达在哪一个机场而定。
- That depends on what kind of music you like. 这要看你喜欢什么样的音乐了。
- It all depends on what you mean. 这要看你是什么意思。
- It depends on what you call normal. 这要看你觉得什么是正常。
- Well, it depends on what season it is. 这要由季节而定。
- It all depends on what you can do. 这全要取决于你所能做的事情。
- It depends on what you are going to use them for. 那要看您是做什么用途。
- It depends on what you have in mind. 你想要哪一类纪念品?
- It depends on what type of glassware. 嘉宾:那要看你做哪一类型的。
- "That depends on what the reward is, Marcus. “这要取决于报酬是什么了,马库斯。”
- You can't depend on what he says. 他说话没有准头。
- The name of the command change,depends on what the last action is. 命令的名称变化取决于最后的操作。